Sarah Palin pardoned a turkey at a farm in Wasilla, Alaska, then conducted an interview afterward while turkeys were being slaughtered in the background.

WARNING: This video is graphic

Cameras rolled for Palin’s post-pardon interview as a worker at the Triple D Farm and Hatchery began processing turkeys behind her, stuffing them headfirst into the killing cone.

There seems to be a real disconnect in this country about where our food comes from. It doesn’t originate on the shelves at your local supermarket. Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m a meat eater and consume it on a regular basis, however, I am acutely aware of where it comes from.

The media is, of course, having a heyday over the video and I expect a very strong reaction from the PETA wing nuts.

View the Sarah Palin turkey videos below, both the MSNBC edited version, and the unedited version.

MSNBC edited Sara Palin turkey pardon video

Unedited turkey slaughter video

(Below is a link for a graphic description of the killing cone method of slaughtering turkeys. It bears repeating that this site is GRAPHIC and if you still have your head in the sand about where your Thanksgiving dinner comes from, you may want to rethink visiting this site.)

This is the killing cone method for slaughtering turkeys.
